The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99731   Message #1997641
Posted By: Stu
15-Mar-07 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Global warming - the myth
Subject: RE: BS: Global warming - the myth
"And you fail to account for the present climactic changes to both Mars and Jupiter at this time- Are you claiming that the Martians are also burning too much oil?"

Using other planet's climate systems as an analogy for our own is not a good idea. Whilst I see what you are getting at bb (the Sun's warming Mars and Jupiter so it must be warming us). Your earlier links to the Jupiter story in no way points to solar activity being a catalyst for climate change on the Red Planet. The article clearly states "Little is known about how storms form on the giant planet." If Jovian weather is a mystery, then it's climate is even more of an unknown.

In the case of the Martian warming, the Nasa pages simply state warming appears to be happening on Mars - the reason for this is not clear (though the planet's wobbles seem to be favourite at the moment) at all as we understand the climate on Mars less than we do our own. The final article quotes our old friend Abdussamatov (the Solar physicist and not climatologist, terrestrial or planetary) and as the article states if you read further than the first page, climatologists dismiss his ideas altogether.

Of course the main reason other scientists think Abdussamatov's argument is complete bollocks is because if Martian ice is being warmed by Solar radiation it is releasing C02 into the atmosphere as it melts, speeding up the martian greenhouse effect - precisely the same process Abdussamatov dismisses as being the cause of climate change on Earth.