The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #1998133
Posted By: Dickey
15-Mar-07 - 11:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Little Hawk: Not to be discourteous but Bullshit ;). You have been Chomskyised.

What drives corporations is profit. They publish and broadcast what they think the public wants to hear. You hear phrases like news porno and if it bleeds, it leads. Right now the fad is calling Bush an idiot so that's most of you hear out of the MSM due to the bandwagon effect. The only one out of the bunch that does not dogpile Bush is Fox so all the anti-war folks claim Fox is the evil mouthpiece of the administration. So there is CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, and even PBS is biased against the administration to the glee of the anti-war crowd.

The way the corporations influence the government is through lobbying and handing out cash contributions (sometimes personal payoffs) for certain legislation or decisions. Something I am 100% opposed to.

If the mean old pro-war corporations control the government, how do anti-war documentaries, TV programs, music etc. ever come to be?

If what you claim is true how would you ever know about embarrassing things like Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse?

Who owns the Media in Canada?

"Nations such as Italy and Canada are often accused of possessing an Imperial media structure, based on the fact that much of their media is controlled by one corporation or owner."

How about BBC?