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Thread #82028   Message #1998236
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Mar-07 - 04:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Dickey, it is pretty much the same people...or their close associates...who own the media in Canada. But the mood and attitude of the Canadian public is quite different, they're not as easily fooled by American policy as Americans are, and the media must shape their reporting a bit differently in Canada to be seen as doing their job. Our government pretty well does most of what the coporatocracy wants, I assure you, because it is also controlled by the corporatocracy. That's why we sent soldiers to Afghanistan.

Britain's media and government are also controlled by the corporatocracy, but they too must tread a little differently than in the USA, because the British population is not as easily fooled either as the American population.

Part of the political game is to play off the public against each other by dividing them over phony political parties and red herring issues. The Democrats will always badmouth the Republicans, and vice versa. That's the way the game works, and the game is to fool you, the voters, into thinking you still have a say in things.

It's much the same game in Canada and in the UK in that respect. Our elections are about as phony as yours are.

Of COURSE corporations are driven by profit! That's exactly the problem, and it is the key to understanding all important foreign and domestic policy decisions in the USA, Canada, and the UK, as well as just about everywhere else. Profit is the one objective. Profit is the reason for all the crazy, idiotic stuff that is going on in this world, because when people seek ONLY profit, and don't really give a damn who or what gets hurt in the process...then you have wars, disaster, suffering, and destruction.

This isn't the case with small scale capitalism, which is a very healthy thing in society. It is the case with multinational giant-scale corporate capitalism as it exists now. It's as bad as communism, but more clever in how it fools people and controls them.

Your media right now are most likely preparing the ground for the next election and getting things ready to switch to the Democrats, so that's why Bush is getting kicked around so much. He's a lame duck in the making. That's the game. He's got less than 2 years left to hang himself and kill the Republicans chances at the polls. If the Democrats get in next time (which they will if they don't really screw up and pick someone unelectable), the same bunch of mega-corporations will be running them from behind the scenes, and the policy won't change much. The agenda will still go forward. It'll change some, but not much.

Anyway, given Bush's present very low popularity rating, why would the media not be emboldened to go after him? They are only reflecting the mood of the majority of Americans at this time. Bush is unpopular, so he's fair game.