The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99931   Message #1998285
Posted By: gnu
16-Mar-07 - 05:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: mass hysteria/ shared delusions
Subject: RE: BS: mass hysteria/ shared delusions
LH : "That doesn't necessarily prove there was a controlled demolition, but neither does your observation of the explosion, gnu, prove that there wasn't."

My what? Doesn't prove what? Gosh. I wrote that as carefully as I could so it could not be misinterpreted. I didn't observe an explosion. I didn't prove anything. I merely stated what is clearly obvious in the video.... nothing more.

I said, in summary, : "I'm just saying that the buiding depicted at 6:58 failed at or above the level of plane impact and NOT below.... watch the video."

Like I said, watch the video. And, read my post, do not read into it.

Ah, goodbye.