The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #1998298
Posted By: beardedbruce
16-Mar-07 - 06:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
"By the way, BB, if the Bush administration is so all-fired concerned about human rights, why aren't we in Darfur? Now there we could do a lot of good by stopping the slaughter."

1. The Bush administration HAS declared that it is genocide, but the UN refuses to say that, so that the international laws that would allow interferencce are not in effect.

2. I have protested the lack of action, publicly and here on Mudcat, by both the US and the UN, and tried to keep it in the active threads- but nobody HERE seems to think we should take ANY action.

3. There you go, making judgements. After we do go in, I suppose you will protest ( like dianavan has stated already) how we just went in after the oil.

I consider the US inaction about Cambodia ( due to the anti-war folks here at the time, no action could even be proposed), Rwanda ( Check to see how effectively Clinton ignored the problem) and Bosnia ( We waited until the Europeans were ready to act- too late.)will be our greatest regret and shame in the future.

So how many Kurds would have had to die before you would "approve" of US action in Iraq?