The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99967   Message #1998936
Posted By: skarpi
16-Mar-07 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: Hydrogen the future power
Subject: Hydrogen the future power
Hallo all , we got threads about , we are in danger , the earth is heating and the weathersystem has changed.

the futer power is HYDROGEN , why becouse its clean and pure

here are internet sides worth to look at .

there are lot of sides on the internet to look at
but I think this is the future why go to war becouse of a OIL ??
when we a future energy right beside us ?

maybe I am wrong.

In Iceland we have a few powerplants witch use steam power from earth
sorry its in Icelandic but the pictures are worth to look at .

All the best Skarpi Iceland.