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Thread #99944   Message #1999283
Posted By: Wordsmith
17-Mar-07 - 01:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: 9/11 Solved-Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Confessed
Subject: RE: BS: 9/11 Solved-Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Confessed
Apparently this confession came at a tribunal on March 10th and is on transcript. It was coerced after two-and-a-half minutes of waterboarding, which is a record, according to ABC news correspondent, Brian Ross, who is something of an expert in this area, having reported on many stories like 9/11 and the earlier bombing of the WTC. He also was the one who broke the story about the Sears Tower back when...and the FBI was mad about it and denied the threat even existed back then. Now, it appears, he has been vindicated.
I tried to find the article I read the other day online, but couldn't. It said Khalid was a person of something...which made him the only one being held in Gitmo who was...I know, I really shouldn't even mention it, but I was hoping someone might have seen that, too.
I, too, believe that little accurate information is obtained via torture...yet I find it interesting that the US goverment went after the military for Abu Greib (sp?) yet are clearly using similar techniques on these guys...of course, I'm not naive. I just have problems with hypocrisy and finding fall guys...which this guy seems to be. Not that I don't think he's guilty of some of these crimes. Like others, I just find it too convenient.
So, I guess we don't have to find Osama? And Zarqawi?
BTW, I hear Khalid also confessed to the kidnapping and killing of Madalyn Murray O'Hair. Bobert used my other punchline. Great minds?