The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99986   Message #1999498
Posted By: robinia
17-Mar-07 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy St. Patrick's day
Subject: BS: Happy St. Patrick's day
Actually mg at Robinia's computer. It's a great day for the Irish (and everyone else). I am off to march in the parade...should be fun. I was at an event last night and whilst I usually do not bedeck myself, I was so desirous of some of he jewelry the women were wearing..and some of the men. I did have a brooch that blinked on and off and it broke...but these ladies exceeded that...they had things that sparkle and blinked and twinkled all at once. Then a pirate came in with hoop earrings that were irridescent and shown in the dark but were illuminated somehow...and then the fairest of them all..a beautiful young woman with a tiara that also twinkled. I did want one and I wonder if there is an age limit that makes you look a bit foolish if you wear such finery but I think if it makes you feel beautiful you should at any age.

Well, anyway, have a geat day. The one day a year devoted to having fun.   mg