The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19582   Message #199971
Posted By: GUEST,Christine Rigney
23-Mar-00 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: Folk msk. vid. - THANKS
Subject: Folk msk. vid. - THANKS
Well folks, I just discovered The Mudcat Cafe this past weekend so please bear with me as I get a sense of the protocol for this forum. -Just wanted to express my sheer delight and feelings of gratitude to the kind mudcatters who responded to my plea for help in locating a folk music video - for a home schooling project with a beautiful young girl who has autism. You mudcatters sure are some nice folks! I don't know how to personally contact any of you with the execption of Margo (thank you for leaving your email address - I'd love to chat too and will write soon!) and I hope that this reaches all of you dear folks who responded. All of your suggestions are great ones and I'm already placing orders with Rabbit Ears, John Langstaff and Tom & Chris Kastle! I'm also searching for the Wee Sing series, thank you Mark. Mark, if you do read this, please leave me your email address. The mother of the child I take care of uses the internet extensively as a resource for information on autism. I'm sure she will have many suggestions for you and I could give you a briefing as well about what has been helpful in our particular case. Thanks again to all of you, Christine