The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99931   Message #1999810
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Mar-07 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: mass hysteria/ shared delusions
Subject: RE: BS: mass hysteria/ shared delusions
" Do I know all the answers?

Nope - but I get a bit twitchy when

1) loud mouthed w*nkers decry it all as rubbish
2) loud mouthed w*nkers tell me the ONLY possible answer is XXX "

Right! That is exactly how I feel about it, Foolestroupe. It is people who are absolutely SURE that either "it's all rubbish" or "it's gospel" who piss me off to the max, and they are the people I get into fights with on this forum over things like UFOs, Kennedy assassination, 911, crop circles (a fascinating mystery!), ghosts, life after death, telepathy, God, etc....

Such people act is if they WERE God...or had been specially commissioned by him to set everyone else straight. Anyway, the world's always been full of people who love saying that anything they don't already believe in is "rubbish". It's part of maintaining their usual mental comfort zone.