The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99963   Message #1999895
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
17-Mar-07 - 09:53 PM
Thread Name: It isn't 'Folk', but what is it we do?
Subject: RE: It isn't 'Folk', but what is it we do?
Back in 1998 or '99 I jumped into these conversations readily and ad infinitum-- or so it seemed to me. I must have posted to 500 quite similar threads------maybe more. So I guess my views are already here at Mudcat for anyone to find and read if they want to.

Thanks for all your good insights whenever these threads come back. I just read this thread through, and I'm left with no energy to post anything new here. That energy drain is a big part of my life now.

Just one quick point:   These issues have all been settled for good some months or years back along the time line---until a well-meaning person came along -- one who had never got thefinal word -- And---the definitions changed!! Again!!

From where I am tonight, it just ain't worth the sweat!
