The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100020   Message #2000296
Posted By: Folk Form # 1
18-Mar-07 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: Review: The Shane McGowan Story on TV
Subject: Review: The Shane McGowan Story on TV
Anyone in Britain see the Shane McGowan story last night? It was interesting, mainly because there were contributions from Ronnie Drew, Nick Cave, Sinead O'Conner, and a few others. Unfortunately, we had to put up with some rambling drunk who spoke so slowly and carefully (in the way that only someone who is completely drunk can)that I kept falling asleep. Shane McGowan bored me. The best bit was when McGowan was in the pub. He started spontaniously singing and everyone in the pub was going shush to everyone who carried on talking so they could hear him. Why? He just sounded like an old drunk signing. Which, I suppose, is what it was. I'm surprised the Landlord didn't either tell him to stop singing or else get out. Apart from that, it was good.