The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99967   Message #2000397
Posted By: Don Firth
18-Mar-07 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: Hydrogen the future power
Subject: RE: Hydrogen the future power
As Rapaire points out, when the Hindenburg blew, the burning hydrogen went up. What caused most of the damage on the ground was burning diesel fuel.

There are plenty of clean ways of producing electrical power. Hydro has been around for a long time (although this is not as environmentally friendly as it could be, considering a number of factors such as cutting off spawning rivers from salmon—an endangered species). But there is wind power, solar power, and tidal power. Iceland is rich with geothermal power. So, for that matter, is the Pacific Northwest, although so far nobody seems interested in tapping it. There are a couple of other simple and easy sources of electrical power that I can think of that after the initial installation of the necessary equipment (not that expensive) would produce lots of electricity from then on. Free, save for occasional minute expenditures for simply maintaining the systems.

Why aren't these easy and inexpensive and non-polluting solutions being put into practice? Someone once said "We won't have solar power until someone figures out a way to run a sunbeam through a meter."

And there you have it!

Don Firth