The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99944   Message #2000692
Posted By: GUEST,Sherlock
18-Mar-07 - 08:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: 9/11 Solved-Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Confessed
Subject: RE: BS: 9/11 Solved-Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Confessed
Gee, Oleosko, the only meds I take are aspirin, and usually only after reading something by you, Froth or Blebbie. The True Relievers of the govt's 9/11 conspiracy theory. You ought to get out on the internet more. Take a tour, on me:

Governmnents have ALWAYS used terrorism as a tool. Look up the Gulf of Tonkin incident...or no, that's a bad example. That incident never took place. McNamara made it up. But look up the bombing of the King David Hotel, 1946. Pearl Harbor, the Maine, the Reichstag fire. Terrorism herds the masses. Or it did until the internet came along.

I suspect THAT'S why you have a burr in your panties. You asses in the "media" are becoming unnecessary. There's an evolutionary term...can't think of it. Like when that sixth toe appears on a baby and is nipped off. No longer needed. And that's what's happening to the media. From the Fourth Estate to the Sixth Toe. You blathering heads aren't needed anymore, and I'm sure that's distressing. But don't take it out on me.

The govt tells me that 19 wanted men made it past all that airport security and seized 4 planes with boxcutters. Despite the fact they were flight-school drop outs, they flew the planes into 3 out of 4 of their targets with pinpoint accuracy. One pilot executed a 6-g turn even though his flight instructor said he couldn't handle the stick of a Cessna. Another pilot defied the physical law of gust to trim and hit the pentagon. One hijacker's passport survived the black-box-melting fireball and fluttered down on top of the debris in NYC, to be discovered afterwards. Oh, and the hijackers magically got NORAD to stand down and leave the most highly-secured airspace on the eastern seaboard unguarded for an hour and a half. Oh, and 7 of the 19 hijackers are still alive in the middle-east.

I'd believe the govt's version of events in a heartbeat if it made sense, but it doesn't. AND they stalled the investigations, AND they have hidden too much material relevant to the investigation. They've blocked lawsuits by the surviving family members and threatened people who defy "national security" gag orders and talk about the things they saw on 9/11. They've used 9/11 to launch 2 unjustified wars, destroy the U.S. constitution and cancel habeas corpus.

Given all the above, one must inevitably conclude that 9/11 was a pretext. Until I'm shown otherwise, that's what I have to go with.

Oh, and when I say gangsters, I mean gangsters. Rudy Giuliani's father was a Mafia enforcer who served time in Sing Sing. Look it up. Unfortunately, the mafia and every other psychotic control group you can think of have now joined forces to make a buck on the death of America. They're working behind the cover of "legit" enterprises, so they're more properly "banksters," I guess, but they're up to no good, and they control both the major political parties, and they're going to destroy America. But that's a whole other topic. Giuliani, Sing Sing, look it up.