The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2001545
Posted By: Bobert
19-Mar-07 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Not to worry, Amos...

Business-as-usual in the Bush White House has been replaced with a big "Going Out of Business" sign...

Yeah, the Bushites had their run and now it's coming to a close... All the dirty tricks 'n dirty politcis are now being exposed on a daily basis...

Okay, I ain't too fond of Dems but one thing is fir sure, the Dems winning over Congress has certainly exposed 6 years of some of the nastiest and distasteful politics and policies since, ahhhhh??? Geeze, maybe forever....

I mean, even Helen Keller would plainly see the Bushites fir what they are: rich or stooges of the rich!!! That's the bottom line here... Bruce Springsteen sang "Sooner or later it all comes down to money" and the Bushite regiegm is ***proff positive***... Behind every stupid thing they have done you will find a pot of gold...

Think about it...

Iraq??? Here's the most anti-human grasping for money... Iraq has Rove written all over it... Hey, the voters don't throw out a war president until it is apparent that the war is lost and thus, the timing was right to invade Iraq... Hey, it kept the thieves in office and it would take a million accountants and an act of God to figure how much $$$ they stole from the American people...

That's, unfortaunately, is what American politics has come down to... Okay, in the Dems defense (tho flimsy) they haven't really had much of an opportunity to ***take the money and run*** but I have no faith that they won't do the same if they get themselves in the same position that the Bushites have enjoyed but fir now???

Glad to see the current crooks gettin' what they deserve...
