The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100063   Message #2001696
Posted By: GUEST,Froth
19-Mar-07 - 11:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: RosieO'Donnell&WillieNelson on 9/11
Subject: RE: BS: Rosie O'Donnell & 9/11
Jacqueline Adams says of the FBI, "They discussed secretly substituting harmless powders for the explosives, but they didn't, according to the FBI's own informant, Ehmad Salem." And this is borne out in the 903 pages of transcriptions William Kuntsler is waving in the video. Salem knew the FBI couldn't be trusted, so he recorded his telephone calls and meetings with them. These transcripts turned up during the trials of the bombers, and the govt was so worried that they put out this piece trying to limit their liability. The FBI wasn't incompetent. It got the bomb into the basement, didn't it?

The govt must have you by the balls, Olesko, for you to be such a staunch supporter. Marvin Bush was involved with security for the WTC complex, Dulles Intl airport and United Airilnes until Sept 10, 2001. Prep work was kind of done by then, don't you imagine?

So what's the govt holding over your head to make you do this? You're not very good at it, so maybe you should just stop. If you become a LIABILITY to the Ministry of Propaganda, well, you might find yourself on the wet end of that waterboard you're defending.