The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99967   Message #2001722
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
19-Mar-07 - 11:58 PM
Thread Name: Hydrogen the future power
Subject: RE: Hydrogen the future power
"energy production could be "holographic", "

Nope - on the wrong track - they just realised that only the surface of the silicon does the work, so they used lasers to carefully 'shred' the chip, then wire up each tiny slice exactly the same way that the whole big chips were wired - just uses a fraction of the expensive silicon for the same power output - the solar efficiency is the same, just will be eventually cheaper to make - and lighter.

Saw or heard it on The ABC Radio or TV Science progs - can't find it - mustn't be using the right search items - did find stuff though about Aussies using germanium, titanium,* and plastic to replace silicon in solar cells.

* This comma is correctly used! :-)