The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99944   Message #2002192
Posted By: Peace
20-Mar-07 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: 9/11 Solved-Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Confessed
Subject: RE: BS: 9/11 Solved-Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Confessed
While I understand that many folks here are against conspiracy stuff for what they feel is good reason, and others are for conspiracy stuff for what THEY consider to be good reasn, I think both camps would do themselves a favour were they to back up and answer a few questions.

1) Did the Bush administration fumble the ball with intelligence regarding the possibility of an attack before 9-11?

2) WHY was the bin Laden family allowed to leave the USA (17 people was it?) so shortly after 9-11, especially when the Bush administration knew that Osama was their enemy and likely behind the 9-11 attacks?

3) The memo that crossed Blair's desk with regard to the Iraq invasion seems to have been forgotten by everyone. Why is that?

5) In the space of just a few years, the USA had irreparable damage done to its world image and damage dones to its personal freedoms as outlined by the Constitution. Why have Americans become complacent about that? Because the full weight of what are now legal restrictions haven't been applied to the general population yet?

6) Yes, the conspiracy people (of whom I am one) cherry pick. But then, so do those of you who claim there is no conspiracy.

The five questions--some argumentative--that I posted above require answers. Answers to them would help 'decide' whether there has been conspiracy to commit felonies by the Bush administration. So for now, forget youtube and the buildings. Let's deal with the simpler stuff first. And the stuff I posted is simple.