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Thread #99944   Message #2002231
Posted By: Ebbie
20-Mar-07 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: 9/11 Solved-Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Confessed
Subject: RE: BS: 9/11 Solved-Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Confessed
I'll make a stab at a couple of them, Peace. You are right- I would like to see these debated.

1) Did the Bush administration fumble the ball with intelligence regarding the possibility of an attack before 9-11? Without a doubt. j"August 2001: Al Quaeda plans to strike within the US."

2) WHY was the bin Laden family allowed to leave the USA (17 people was it?) so shortly after 9-11, especially when the Bush administration knew that Osama was their enemy and likely behind the 9-11 attacks?

3) The memo that crossed Blair's desk with regard to the Iraq invasion seems to have been forgotten by everyone. Why is that? Do you refer to the so-called Downing Street memo, Peace? I don't think it's been forgotten by the American people. Much to the chagrin, I would imagine, of the US and the UK.

5) In the space of just a few years, the USA had irreparable damage done to its world image and damage dones to its personal freedoms as outlined by the Constitution. Why have Americans become complacent about that? Because the full weight of what are now legal restrictions haven't been applied to the general population yet? I don't think we *are* complacent. Part of the outfall of our govrenment's actions is that we feel powerless. I really do not doubt that we, the people, will find our feet.

6) Yes, the conspiracy people (of whom I am one) cherry pick. But then, so do those of you who claim there is no conspiracy. I don't say there was no conspiracy. I am convinced however that the conspiracy, per se, that some are espousing is non-logical. For two reasons: 1, Anyone in on the conspiracy not only was an American but had family, friends and a future. Not likely to ruin their lives in support of someone's megalomaniacal machinations. 2, It is not human nature to keep silent and anyone in possession of such treasonous activiy would make a name for themselves for all time.