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Thread #99944   Message #2002410
Posted By: Peace
20-Mar-07 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: 9/11 Solved-Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Confessed
Subject: RE: BS: 9/11 Solved-Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Confessed
"Keep picking and it will never heal. Seriously, you can cherry pick - but so far you have not made anything stick.   It is ill conceived. "

WTF is ill conceived? I am asking questions that there are no easy answers for. Cheney, an old CEO of Halliburton becomes VP and all of a sudden Halliburton is making billions in the fuckin' war. Coincidence no doubt.

Bush, who mismanaged a free oil company into the red--how does that work?--becomes the most powerful person on the planet. How does THAT work?

The term Neocon has been used for a hundred years and people just three years ago were saying they didn't exist, that they were not a behind-the-scenes 'force'. How does THAT work?

Keriste, for people who are so well informed and so well-read, I am amazed that you all are willing to take the word and 'investigations' of this government as honest and forthright.

Private army in New Orleans? Police working with military for domestic arrests? Guantanamo and the out-sourcing of torture? This is the new Unitred States of America but everything's normal. How does that work?

You seem to think I am trying to prove a conspiracy. I am not. But I do think there is one, and I think it is so big it's difficult to see. And do I have the answer as to what it is? No. Besides, if I did have the answer and happened to write it here, I don't doubt I would be killed within a few days of publishing that answer.

The ultimate aim of the Neocons, IMO, is the complete control of all resources on this planet and the complete control of all people (labour) on this planet.

Wolfowitz heading the World Bank? A UN that has no balls? Inept leadership for years. Deaths by the millions in Africa, Asia, and by the tens of thousands in the mid-East, and in Europe. This shit is just happening, right? No way.

Wars now are engineered. Hell, I don't have any idea what the money is in arms trading/sales, but it has to be substantial.

Drug companies making over 1000% profits on the stuff they sell. People in poverty that is unimaginable. Just fluke you think? Maybe, maybe not. But every time there's a war, every fucking time, the same bloody cast of characters shows up, the same companies or sister companies, the same fucking boards of directors.

I could give a shit about 9-11, per se. People died. About as many as starve to death every single day in Africa. So to hell with 9-11. FORGET 9-11. Forget questions about the veracity of the Bush administration and the Clinton administration before it. Both these fuckers will not have any war in which they can't turn a profit. And there's the rub. Who's making the money?

If I misunderstood you, I apologize. But please don't misunderstand me either. I do NOT think our leaders are honest people. And I do not think all our leaders have been elected. Paranoia? Maybe. But then I likely would have been paranoid about the Kennedy family way back when. And the deals with Hitler and the steel companies. Gospel of Bob: "But the town has no need to be nervous."