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Thread #82028   Message #2002999
Posted By: Amos
21-Mar-07 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
After four years of a war brazenly launched by a large United States bombardment, President Bush and his administration seem audaciously indifferent to the morass and suffering in Iraq that American actions and presence worsen each day.

There is no good that can come of a continued United States troop presence in Iraq. Rather than stemming terrorism, American military might and bases are fueling a maelstrom of hatred and determination that merely give rise to terrorism.

What is unconscionable is that Mr. Bush claims sole authority in this matter. It is little wonder, then, that no mention was made of democracy in this war anniversary speech. It has been useful as a war slogan, yet discarded as a guiding principle to abide.

Democracy's erosion is a threat that whittles away at us by bits and pieces, until our voices are neither heard nor heeded, and a war we decry rages on with no end in sight.

Nancy Dickeman
Seattle, March 20, 2007

It is only presidential hubris that can account for President Bush's latest plea that we be "patient" as he commits upward of 20,000 more troops to the nightmare called Iraq.

I feel almost certain that Mr. Bush will leave office expressing the same empty, almost meaningless refrain that the war "can be won" if only we have the "resolve" to see it through.

Presidential stubbornness is no substitute for policy. Telling us to be patient and applauding our troops for their bravery does nothing to cure the absence of an intelligent, comprehensive, diplomatic and military plan to stop the death and destruction in Iraq now and in the forseeable future.

This president is hopelessly lost in his own single-minded inability to accept failure. I already feel sorry for Mr. Bush's successor, because it will take years, maybe decades, for the United States to restore its reputation.

The "resolve" the American people really need is to survive the remainder of Mr. Bush's term without this country getting into yet another war, this time with Iran, and to be thankful that Mr. Bush can't run again.

Peter C. Alkalay
Scarsdale, N.Y., March 20, 2007