The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19577   Message #200385
Posted By: M. Ted (inactive)
23-Mar-00 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: Song writing questions
Subject: RE: Song writing questions
Bert, I remember hearing Phil Spector, many years ago, talking about how good it was to use cliches--He said that cliches were cliches because they spoke to people--

Meanwhile, I know that the songwriters are out in force here tonite, because I can go through this thread and pull out at least twenty hooks that could be used for songs--

McGrath, you deliberately stuck a bunch of cliches and quotes, but even without them, I got:

"And then it changes, and keeps on changing"

Which scans perfectly to the melody of "you are my sunshine"--

Kim-I got this little bit from you:

you can tell when people write for a market, because the songs have no heart. You can hear when someone's just writing for the paycheck.

Which I ironed out to:

You can hear when someone's writing for the market, Because the songs they write have got no heart You can hear when someone's writing for the paycheck And it's sad when they pretend, and call it art--

(ItScans to "When the Moon is Shining Bright Upon the Wabash"and probably others)--

You also gave this away:

"Sometimes they fall out of the sky, sometimes they don't" I think it could be a big hit, or maybe a jingle, a bit like "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't"

You people are throwing away some great lines--Mbo, maybe you should cull through here and see if you can hang a melody onto some of these things;-)

