The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100075   Message #2004735
Posted By: Splott Man
23-Mar-07 - 04:57 AM
Thread Name: Do the Welsh have any Dances?
Subject: RE: Do the Welsh have any Dances?
"If only the Welsh would get a life, stop endlessly whingeing about the English, and stop speaking deliberately only in Welsh when they hear an English accent in their local pub, then we might all get somewhere."

As a Welsh resident of 34 years standing, I'm sorry, but I'm incensed by these comments, they are old-fashioned, clichéd and prejudiced, and bear as much resemblance to Wales as Arran sweaters do to folk music.

If you can't contribute positively to a discussion, then keep out.

This is the first time I've had to vent my spleen on mudcat and I hope it's the last.

Splott Man