The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99946   Message #2005682
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
24-Mar-07 - 07:14 AM
Thread Name: Faldingworth Live Friday March 23rd 2007
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday March 23rd 2007
As you say Mark is a guitarist of very great ability - really trying to keep a handle on the rhythmic integrity of folk guitar which is at the centre of the style, whilst still exploring and looking for ways to take the whole business forward.

I had no idea, he had emigrated - the last I had seen him was 18 months ago at the Y Theatre in Leicester. I hope France is good to Mark and Mo.

Nice also to hear the Maggie Holland song I had heard so much about. That is THE Maggie Holland who used to play bass in Hot Vultures........ Nicely sung Sue.

And Gwen and Terry - thanks for all your efforts and hard work on the PA. If you had asked I would gladly have swapped the 'graveyard shift'. Some nice playing and singing, a perfect residents opening set!

Tim the Twangler - I didn't know you were there. I wish you had made yourself known to me. We had a correspondence going a short while back - I hope you are still writing. I sometimes think about your song about the 'kidnapped into the sex trade' theme. Its not my sort of song - I know how I would record it though - with unearthly frightening noises in background - perhaps Gwen would help you find such noises on a synth - or on guitar you would need to be using blues notes with cathedral style amounts of delay and reverb - for some eerie atmosphere!

Also nice to see Helen of Helian Keys again.

Thanks for asking me Les - always a pleasure.

To be honest, I've been a bit fed up with the folkscene through mudcat just lately - even to the point of thinking of abandoning it entirely. Pleasant nights like last night - with a small but friendly and appreciative crowd restore ones faith in the folk clubs - even if it doesn't extend to people at the heart of folk movement.