The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100057   Message #2006070
Posted By: GUEST,diego
24-Mar-07 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poison pet food
Subject: RE: BS: Poison pet food
hi, first of all i'd like to express my extreme sorrow for all owners who have lost their pet or had their pet sick. i'd like to share with you the story of my dog, who had to be put to sleep because of acute liver failure due to an unknown cause 2 weeks ago. he was a extremely healthy and active lab until january of this year. in january he started rejecting his food and losing weight. he has eaten science diet dry food all his life. he loved the stuff, so i was incredibly surprised when he stopped eating it. we tried everything to get him to eat the stuff. soon he went from weighing 85 pounds to 70 pounds in less then 2 weeks. he also started throwing up and having loose watery stool. the vet told us it was some kind of liver disease, but did not know exactly what. his blood work said the same thing with elevated white cell count and liver enzymes. because of these results the vet decided to put him on the science diet Lg prescription diet which is a wet food. he was also given antibiotics for his liver.
we gave him this diet for several weeks, but instead of recovering he got worse. he kept vomiting and losing weight. he also started to have nose bleeds and started urinating and drinking water frequently. it got so bad that he would wake us up in the middle of the night to go outside. his urine was very loaded and an orange color. and his nose bleeds got worse and his nose started getting blocked up by the blood.
two weeks ago, his condition deteriorated to the point where he had to be fed with a syringe to be kept alive, and then he became bloated, stopped unrinated (classic symptoms of kidney failure). we tried giving him a dieuretic, but the next day he woke up agitated and misreable, and that afternoon he had not moved from where he was laying. when we tried to move him we found he could not walk. we took him to the vet imediately, and the vet said there was nothing she could do for him. later that evening the family got together and with all of us with him we put him to sleep.

it was not until last week that we thought it might have been the dog food that might have killed our dog. we have been doing research all this week and have related all our dog's symptoms with the syptoms described in the news and from cornell university even though his food was not on the recall list (both dry and wet). further more now that we know the culprit is rat poison, we have researched the symptoms for rat poisoning and it matches our dogs symptoms. so although the food our dog ate is not on the list, it still came from menu foods. we have a high suspect that it was the food that ended our dogs life. so far alll we can do is educated guess. we are not specialists in this, but my parents are physicians and biochemists and i am a biology student.

sorry to be long winded but i thought it would be useful for all of you to know my dogs symtoms. we would really appreciate it if any one who reads this and has a dog or cat with the same symptoms contact us through this website or to my personal email at,
please let us know, we would like to see if our suspicions are true
thank you all,