The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99946   Message #2006546
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
25-Mar-07 - 07:33 AM
Thread Name: Faldingworth Live Friday March 23rd 2007
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday March 23rd 2007
I'm sorry I didn't know you were Tim the Twangler. I would have enjoyed chatting about your work. I think you have a lot to contribute to the folkscene. As someone who has worked 'outside the tradition' - I know its not easy to to write about - life as lived outside the usual frames of folksong reference. And you DO get brickbats like the git who told me recently on mudcat that I was merely involved in 'commercial music'. (If my approach is commercial rather than idealistic - why have I refused to make the very simple stylistic changes that would render me 'traditional'? Does anybody seriously think its cos I couldn't?)

Keep going Tim, but don't expect it to be easy!

On the other matter of why I don't go to Faldigworth when I'm not singing. Its not my local folk club - which I always think of as Spondon in Derby. there are nearer ones but many of them are inaccessible for my disabled wife.

I went over to Faldingworth when Dave Fletcher was there cos we were in class 2B together at many years ago at a hellish outpost of the British Empire, namely Boston grammar School. And I'm hoping to run Derek Brimstone over there in July.

Its quite a drive though for just a casual night out - particularly with all those bloody speed cameras that keep making you go gown to 40 mph on midnight deserted roads.