The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99370   Message #2007225
Posted By: Barry Finn
26-Mar-07 - 01:48 AM
Thread Name: John Roberts House Concert in Maine
Subject: RE: John Roberts House Concert in Maine
Nice pictures Jacqui, where's the other guy that was there, you missed someone? The last picture with John & Kendall is with Duane who came with bbc.
It was a great concert & time & John's lovely to (he,he). Thanks John
Thonk you too Mary.

Mary the ice chest's mine you can keep the soda. Remember leaving I said I gotta get my ice chest but I'll leave you the soda? You said I'll get it you. I figured that you, as 2 bit mistress had a plan & who am I to question it. I guess there was some sort of misunderstanding. I'll take the blame for it though. Usually cause it's my fault.
The ride back was fine but slow, my car had on snow shoes & it threaded just fine.