The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99370   Message #2007393
Posted By: adventure
26-Mar-07 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: John Roberts House Concert in Maine
Subject: RE: John Roberts House Concert in Maine
Well...what a weekend. Mary...thanks for your hospitality and hard work. Always a treat to be in good company. John just out did himself this time. Really super choices of song and lots of info in between on each one. Needless to say. We also went to his concert in Marblehead at 2 pm Sunday with Yea Mariners All and Larry Young/John Rockwell at the Me and Thee Coffee House. Really spirited two hour performance for the library reading program. We are all very fortunate.......Anyway....the aftermath of John's house concert was great fun. Lots of great songs, more good food, enlightening discussions and strange antics were to be had until the wee hours on Sunday. What a glorious way to spend a weekend.
And who needs sheep when you crawl into bed at 4 a.m and find an warm feline under the a bedwarmer....and besides sheep do not have claws!
One other thing....I was reminded that there was another doryman on the ''s an offer from the Doryman off schooner Adventure...come down to see our restoration efforts....we'll have a lot of these(dories)on board when we start sailing again....same as she was 81 years ago.
Thanks again to Mary and John for a great and wonderful weekend and to our Mudcat friends with whom we shared it crew going!
Doryman and his mate