The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100244   Message #2007558
Posted By: GUEST,HiLo
26-Mar-07 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lets Create a Crater
Subject: RE: BS: Lets Create a Crater
There is a huge power shift going on the world today. The power is moving from the west to the east. The East has all the cards so we should fold and go home. Why do we never learn that countries like Iran cannot be defeated by the means at our disposal. Truthfully, I am way past caring what happens to these nations. We have been giving ionto terrorists, blackmailers and bullies, now we are reaping the results. Let us ask ourselves what the hell the west is doing there ? Do we really think they will all become nice little democracies with justice for all, equality for women, freedom of speech, religious and ethnic tolerance. No, they won't, no matter what we do. Lets just leave them to their own devices,. I wish them well but nobody else should die over it.