The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100201   Message #2007739
Posted By: Blindlemonsteve
26-Mar-07 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel 0:England 0
Subject: RE: BS: Israel 0:England 0
I have to put my ten penneth worth in. so here go´s....i am English, i dont expect the England team to win every game, i dont even care if they dont win tournaments. What i do care about is that the 11 players on the field represent my country with pride, do their very best, so even if they lose, they represent a victorious win for the opposition. as a nation we are known for gritting our teeth and digging in when the going gets tough.being cunning and clever. being able to adapt quickly to changing situations....all these qualities are not shown on the pitch, and i for one feel really let down by them. I watched the U.S.A and Australia in the last world cup, they put theyre shirts on with pride, went out and played to the best of theyre ability, winning wasnt the the golden goal, perfoming for your country was what was important,,, everything i never saw in an England performance.... sad thing is, maybe they are representing the way the people think and feel....maybe our wonderful island isnt worth the effort any more. I for one hope not.