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Thread #100063   Message #2007809
Posted By: Peace
26-Mar-07 - 04:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: RosieO'Donnell&WillieNelson on 9/11
Subject: RE: BS: Rosie O'Donnell & 9/11
The third possibility is that Bush knew SOMEthing would happen to allow him to get into Afghanistan but didn't know exactly WHAT would happen. Hence, his shock in the Florida classroom and his stunned silence for over five minutes. I think he was in what's generally called a blue funk.

Oddly enough, despite my belief that 9/11 involved some Americans at a high level, I do not think Bush was one of them. I agree with Ebbie. He is stupid to the point of being really stupid, but I don't perceive him to be evil. Some of his handlers I do see as being evil. Completely. Totally amoral bastards with agendas and goals to take over a planet--or maybe just a half of it.

I also realize that Mission Impossible was just a TV show. The retrofitting of explosives would be difficult. But someone called off NORAD. Someone gave information before the event, and the info was ignored. I don't doubt that 9/11 also contributed to the 'righteous' invasion of Iraq. Hell, Congress bought it. So did a majority of the American people. What I do know is this: we, the general public don't know jack shit about 9/11. Neither those who think it was a terrorist attack nor those who think it was a US Government attack to rally support for the Bush administration. I do not believe the Commission's report. Nor do I believe much of what Froth has posted.

But I for sure don't believe this administration has clean hands to do with it either.