The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100265   Message #2008182
Posted By: Bob Bolton
27-Mar-07 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Country Revival (Slim Dusty)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Country Revival - Slim Dusty
G'day again Bleggy,

Here I am responding to my own re-posting of your request.

I did an "advanced search" on: Country Revival / Slim Dusty / Lyrics and came uo with this:

Slim Dusty Lyric Download (?)

It "promised" to have the lyrics you need ... but so did a few others that proved to be duds (still hawking for someone to post the lyrics)!

I can't open this from work (presumably blocked because of the "banned' word download). I'll check when I get home.

(If you do open the 'Clicky" - and get the lyrics you are after - please pop back and tell us ... just to save others from doubling up on the query.

