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Thread #100063   Message #2008664
Posted By: GUEST,Froth
27-Mar-07 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: RosieO'Donnell&WillieNelson on 9/11
Subject: RE: BS: Rosie O'Donnell & 9/11
No one fucked up. The job went off as planned. Only question is, who did the job? Even if it was 19 men with boxcutters, they were U.S.-trained govt agents. That's been proven. And if it wasn't 19 men with boxcutters, then who?

There are 3 possibilities:
1) 9/11 was the result of sheer incompetence
2) the govt knew in advance and Let it happen on purpose (LHOP)
3) the govt Made it happen on purpose (MHOP)

Two pieces of information prove it was #3:

Control of NORAD was transferred to the Dept of Defense on June 1, 2001 and then transferred back to the military after 9/11. The system had not been tampered with for half a century, so why was Dick Cheney in charge of NORAD on 9/11?   And Norman Mineta (#1 Transportation man in the U.S.) heard Cheney discussing override orders as one of the planes neared its targets. He told Congress that.

There are hundreds of other facts that bear out govt responsibility, but the investigation continues to stall. Bush took over a year to appoint a gangster-ridden partisan coverup committee, and not one member of an affected family was on the committee. The matter was hushed up with an absurdly incomplete "final report" that didn't even mention "unimportant" incidents like the collapse of WTC 7.

I find it interesting how the left-wing is now adopting the myths and proclivities of the right-wing. Now that the left feels it's about to come into some power, you lefties are suddenly defending GWBush's version of 9/11. And you're discouraging investigations. By doing this, you're also endorsing the wars of aggression that 9/11 led to.

You may not realize this change in your thinking is happening, but you need to consider it. Why is all the evil perpetrated under Bush suddenly becoming palatable to you? Answer: you're afraid the 9/11 truth movement will bring down the people in power when "your" people are in power. And that's bad thinking. Don't start defending the Bushes now. By supporting GWBush's version of events, you're supporting the terrorists who have seized the U.S. govt. Deal with your hypocrisy now, before a change in leadership occurs. The govt's attacks of 9/11 were bad, no matter which head of the single-party system you support.