The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100244   Message #2008674
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Mar-07 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lets Create a Crater
Subject: RE: BS: Lets Create a Crater
I seriously doubt that any Muslim government is stupid enough or suicidal enough to fire a nuclear weapon at Israel first, since the Israeli response would be as Peace indicated. However, there is a danger that some suicide attackers would do it...not on behalf of their government, but on behalf of which case the Israelis would hit all their traditional enemies in the region anyway.

What would happen then would be an utter disaster for Israel, for the Muslims, and for the world.

So let's hope it never happens.

Preventing it from happening is damned difficult, because all it takes is a handful of determined individuals willing to lose their own lives who can get possession of one contraband nuclear weapon and then figure out how to deliver it to its target and set it off.