The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100287 Message #2009171
Posted By: GUEST,doc.tom
28-Mar-07 - 02:41 AM
Thread Name: Guitar Playing for Left-Handers
Subject: RE: Guitar Playing for Left-Handers
Or, if you're like me, you don't discover it's the wrong way round till you've been practicing for four months in the first place - after all, isn't it logical to have the trable strings at the top and the bass strings at the bottom?
If you don't reverse the strings, you don't have to reverse the chords - they're exactly the same, you just come at then from the otherside of the fingerboard!
The recommendations about the mirror are also very valid for when a R-hander is trying to teach a L-hander to play a L-hand guitar.
If you want to play L-handed, with reversed strings - get a L-hand guitar otherwise you stand a good change of messing up the guitar because of the strutting!