The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100244   Message #2009267
Posted By: Teribus
28-Mar-07 - 06:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lets Create a Crater
Subject: RE: BS: Lets Create a Crater
1) "Any Israel nuking would be a kama kaze project, and all nations know that." - Ebbie, 27 Mar 07 - 12:34 PM

2) "Any Israel nuking would be a kama kaze project

I agree. Such an attack would most likely be made by a suicide bomber for it would be more difficult to trace the origin." - Wolfgang.

3) "I seriously doubt that any Muslim government is stupid enough or suicidal enough to fire a nuclear weapon at Israel first, since the Israeli response would be as Peace indicated." - Little Hawk

4) "Israelis do not have the territory to trade for time to ensure they know where the attack originated. If they get hit, they will retaliate with massive response--because they will have nothing to lose. If their aresnal is as large as has been posited--between 100 and 200 nuclear warheads--each of their traditional enemies will receive about 10 missiles." - Peace.

In the history of the world there have been hundreds of atmospheric atomic/nuclear weapons tests. There have been two instances of Atomic weapons being used in earnest. The target locations for those weapons were two Japanese cities, at no time subsequent to the attacks of August 1945 have those locations been anything else and today 62 years later they are thriving, bustling cities. So all indications are that for all this nuclear activity the world in general is no worse off.

The scenario that terrorists are "given" two, or more, low yield weapons, which are then smuggled into Israel, is I believe a credible potential threat. This threat upgrades itself from being potential to being probable should Iran ever be in a position whereby it can acquire it's own home grown nuclear weapons. That would have to be the Israeli assessment given statements made in public and adoption of worst case scenario.

Now pick your targets in Israel, Tel Aviv and Haifa definitiely. The subsequent loss to Israel would be catastrophic. I do not for one minute believe that Israel would just start throwing nuclear weapons about as Peace suggests, in the past when pushed to wire and in the face of tremedous provocation Israel has always been very reticent about taking life (Some on this forum may laugh but it is true, the imbalance in casualty figures comes from the practice of Fatah, Hamas and Hezbollah militants to hide and fire from civilian areas to maximise civilian casualties in the event of any retaliatory action being taken by the IDF - such is the regard for the Palestinian people from the likes of Fatah, Hamas and Hezbollah).

Just taking Tel Aviv and Haifa the percentage loss of population to Israel would be the end. Who would they retaliate against? One word from Russia, or China would dissuade both Israel and the United States of America from doing anything. The middle-east is too important to be allowed to be turned into glass, too important to China, India and the "tiger" economies of the far east - that is where they get their oil from. The Iranians and the terrorists couldn't give a toss about the people killed (Arab or Jew), the terrorists currently use those same people as "human shields" as a Standard Operating Tactic.

Gradually the dust would settle. The UN would once again do nothing, hamstrung by permanent members vetoes, and everyone would learn to accept life without Israel, and Mr I'm-in-a-denim-jacket, titular President of Iran could claim that he had a hand in wiping the "stain of Israel" from the Arab World. Eventually whatever was left of the "Palestinian People" would return. The middle-east problem will have been solved and we could all sleep safe in our beds - OR COULD WE?? World wide Islamic Caliphate anyone? Adoption and acceptance of Sharia Law? Consider it carefully remember what happened to Israel.