The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100244   Message #2009469
Posted By: Bee
28-Mar-07 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lets Create a Crater
Subject: RE: BS: Lets Create a Crater
You might seem more concerned, Teribus, if you refrained from childish 'funnies' like "I'm-in-a-jacket", etc. The man's name is Ahmadinejad.

"My perspective does however see the potential threat posed by a State like Iran armed with home grown nuclear weapons.
Others on this Forum seem to be, not only unworried by such an occurance, but positively all for it - now that is what I would call a blasé approach to the subject of potential loss of human life.
" - Teribus

My perspective is that in recent years the people being killed in great numbers have mostly been citizens of middle eastern countries. I don't much like the Iranian government, but I can certainly see why they might want something on hand to deter... oh, I dunno, maybe the Americans?