The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #2010079
Posted By: Bobert
28-Mar-07 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
D is absolutely correct... Beneath this all government certainly has its hand in the mess... Bottom line, governemnt has evolved into existing to serve the monied class... The real "welfare mentality" isn't among our poor but our rich... They just don't get it... All the breaks are aimed at keeping them rich and in trun, they give a "kick-back" to the folks in government thru very generous campaign contributions...

The rich know this... They knoew it all too well and that is why they not only buy off politicans but they now fund blogs that go out and try to change the conversation... Right here in out little corner of Paradise we have several ***shills*** for the ruling class... These people have one thing in common and that is they won't carry on a converstaion... They will, however, rpovide lots of links (mostly funded by the ruling class) to try to turn the conversation away from the realities of poverty...

Now, I'd like to say a few things about the cannon-fodder coming from poor families... Well, okay, I'll admit that most kids from the very poorest families don't finish school and don't end up in the military... It's the kids from the families, who while being poor, aren't as poor and where the kids parent/s keeps them in school long enough for "No Kid Left Unrecruited" to take effect... Kids are ***targeted*** by recruiters in the 8th grade and the usual speil is "Okay, kid, we care about you... We're gonna give you lots of $$$ and we are going to provide you with educational opportunities..."

That's purdy much the deal and so, yeah, lots of folks in Iraq tonight are from these families... Poor??? Yeah... The way outta the ghetto goes thru Iraq... It's sad but it's also true... Problem with this is that it does go thru Iraq and there is no promse that these kids will come home alive or not disabled...

But I don't want to end this post on Iraq as we have enough war threads but will reiterate that the rich will stop at nothin' to get their way... They have had their way since the early 80's when they called off the Great Society...

We won't make any progress but continue to seeing rising per capita poverty rates climb until we get back to the ***good war***..

..the Great Society...

There are those here who can't quite seem to get it that it is going to take some redisribution of our national wealth to fight and perhaps elliminate poverty... This really shouldn't be rocket science but for those folks it seems to be way over these folks heads...

Like I said, it ain't rocket science...
