The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100244   Message #2010302
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Mar-07 - 01:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lets Create a Crater
Subject: RE: BS: Lets Create a Crater
That's true, Foolestroupe. However, there was no lack of desire on the part of most Russian soldiers to fight the Germans and beat them, no matter what it took...and the Russians were short of guns, but not men.

As for losers, everyone loves a glorious long as he's on their side. Look how much they venerate Davy Crockett and his companions for dying at the Alamo in what was really a very unnecessary sacrifice of 180 men defending a hopeless position which didn't need defending in the first place (although they say it bought some time for the main Texan army, and I'm sure it it gave them a rallying cry).

When I was a kid I was CRAZY about Davy Crockett. Of course, who wasn't at the time? ;-) (matter of fact, even the Mexicans liked him back then when it all happened)