The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100244   Message #2010467
Posted By: Teribus
29-Mar-07 - 07:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lets Create a Crater
Subject: RE: BS: Lets Create a Crater
Bee - 28 Mar 07 - 10:30 AM

Quite right Bee, the man's name is Ahmadinejad. Any prat who stands in front of an international gathering and advocates with all sincerity the "wiping from the map" of another country, deserves to be called far harsher and less "childish" names than "I'm-in-a-denim-jacket" or "I-made-a-denim-jacket".

As to your perspective, Bee, it would seem slightly foggy and lacking in some important details:

- In recent years, depending upon how you define "recent", the people who have been killed in great numbers have not mostly been citizens of middle eastern countries, but Rwandans, the people of Darfur, Albanian Kosovans and Chechens.

- You also forget to add that given your perspective those people from the middle-east who have been dying in great numbers were being killed by people from the middle-east.

- I don't much like the Iranian government either Bee, they have nakedly threatened other countries, and they are the greatest state sponsor of international terrorism in the world. As a whole they are a deeply troubling and potentially dangerous presence in the region, nothing about them indicates peaceful intent, or trustworthyness. In short, I regard them as being duplicitous lying bastards that I would certainly not advise anyone to turn their backs on.

- The Americans on the other hand have not threatened Iran in any way shape or form.