The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100063   Message #2010893
Posted By: GUEST,Froth
29-Mar-07 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: RosieO'Donnell&WillieNelson on 9/11
Subject: RE: BS: Rosie O'Donnell & 9/11
Oh, is this a popularity contest? What's the goal, to see who can be the most gutless, or the most moronic? You folks would make it a hard choice. Dick Cheney is guilty (a third grader playing DA for a Day would consider the points I made sufficient for an indictment), yet you can't even answer the fucking question. And the answer is SO obvious that your reluctance to acknowledge Cheney and Rumsfeld did 9/11 must be due to cowardice. You want to quibble over bullshit speculative issues and ignore the blood-smeared murderer glaring straight into your eyes. So I retract the moron designation but I have to stick with gutless. And if I had to pick a winner in that category, it would be a hard, hard choice. Cheney's getting ready to nuke Iran, so fuck your civility. You either get on the blower to your representatives and tell them to stop the war, or the world of Anglo-America is going to be dead in 5 years.