The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100316 Message #2011813
Posted By: Rockhen
30-Mar-07 - 10:59 AM
Thread Name: Folk songs for piano
Subject: RE: Folk songs for piano
Enjoying reading this thread. I play piano and cart it about everywhere as it is a 'portable' stage piano. There are few, I know, who can be bothered to lug their piano about and it is a pain, especially now I have got a more substantial, (and thus, heavier,) case. BUT it is portable and the piano itself is quite light. I have heard many many guitarists but much fewer pianists play. Perhaps, with lighter and lighter instruments and if they continue to become cheaper, they will become more popular, again. (Sorry, Richard, not good for you, I guess! lol) I think many people identify the piano with memories of hearing people accompany others in a 'plonk as loudly as you can style' which is not the best one to judge the instrument by. Often, an unskilled pianist is arm-twisted to play for large gatherings because there is no one else around, who can play. It is possible to 'get 'by' on the piano because the notes are already there and don't have to be 'made'. I accept that some just do not like the sound of a piano but think it is so much more versatile than many give it credit for. To accompany well is a totally different skill to playing the piano as a lead or solo instrument. I think it can be made to sound beautiful and not just a mechanical instrument. I don't expect to convert everyone to liking the piano but,just as every guitarist or other instrumentalist has their own style, so does every pianist. I look forward to trying some of the music suggest above. A few years back, I thought that the piano was in danger of nearly dying out, altogether which I think would be a tragedy. Now, I think, new technology may advance enough to bring the piano back into more accepted use in folk and similar circles. It has evolved, and ...will be back!!! :-)