The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100316   Message #2012072
Posted By: GUEST,Tunesmith
30-Mar-07 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: Folk songs for piano
Subject: RE: Folk songs for piano
The piano is arguably the greatest musically instrument. It was the first choice for Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Debussy etc, and Bach was first and foremost a keyboard man. Again, arguably the greatest talent produced by jazz was a pianist: Art Tatum. The history of blues, gospel, soul and rock is littered with piano players from Little Brother Montgomery to Ray Charles to Stevie Wonder and beyond. The piano can be a orchestra in the hands of Franz Liszt or be a beautifully sensitive companion to a Joni Mitchell song. The fact that it hasn't been truly embraced by Anglo/Celtic music - and it's close relatives - constitutes great missed opportunities.