The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100316 Message #2012265
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
30-Mar-07 - 09:12 PM
Thread Name: Folk songs for piano
Subject: RE: Folk songs for piano
"I think many people identify the piano with memories of hearing people accompany others in a 'plonk as loudly as you can style' which is not the best one to judge the instrument by."
Unfortunately many 'folk musos' seem to know only that (fast and loud as possible) style - especially in sessions.
"Often, an unskilled pianist is arm-twisted to play for large gatherings because there is no one else around, who can play. It is possible to 'get 'by' on the piano because the notes are already there and don't have to be 'made'."
Accompaniment is a difficult skill that many of 'the great untrained' think they are experts at.
"To accompany well is a totally different skill to playing the piano as a lead or solo instrument. "
And really needs to be learned properly, it is not a skill that can just 'be picked up' on the fly by accident, unless the person has a natural talent for that style - and some do.