The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98676   Message #2012303
Posted By: Tim theTwangler
30-Mar-07 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: Staithes Music weekend
Subject: RE: Staithes Music weekend
IF you are considering it is well worth while.
Lovely little place basic campsite
Carol is of course ahuge bonus to hear at any event.
There are no stars just a load of good people oh yeah and me.
ANy one who wants a cuppa will be welcome at our tent.
This year hoping not to start repeating songs until after first day.
Of course if loads go will not be so many chances to have a go
Could be you only get four or five goes oh well thereare so many sessions your tongues get tired before your ears.
He eh Just waffleing cos is half three in mornign and cannot sleep after last 6 night shifts