The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100386   Message #2013173
Posted By: Blindlemonsteve
01-Apr-07 - 02:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Blair the hypocrite
Subject: RE: BS: Blair the hypocrite
Let me spell this out,,,,,there is no conflict of war between IRAN and THE UNITED KINGDOM....They might despise us, hate us for whatever reason, but we are not at war with the country of Iran.. OK, that established, now, heres the idea, P.O.W´s, that meaning "PRISONERS OF WAR" can only be held and detained for the duration of any WAR. P.O.W´s can only be members of bonafide military organisations, otherwise they have to be tried and detained, executed, or released. It is also worth pointing out that any P.O.W held, has to be treated in accordance to the Geneva Convention, thus making it illegal to parade captured persons as some kind of trophy.

Now, here is my point, because no state of war exists between Iran and the U.K, why on earth are they holding 15 sailors and Marines. they should have been questioned, IF they were in Iranian waters, but this should have taken no more than 24 hours.

But as i have said before, we wont find out for sure, because you can bet your mortgage that the Iranians wont give back the GPS equipment the have stolen, like they didnt before.

It is also worth pointing out that this episode can not be compared to Guantanamo Bay, Abhu Grahib etc etc, to do so would completely be misunderstanding the point. This is one country "Iran" showing aggresion to another "U.K".

I would also like to point out that any British detainees at Guantanamo, were removed and repatriated at the request of Mr Blair.

I dont understand the line some people take on these issues, If the U.S or the U.K do something, its all a big cover up, something sly is going on, all a bit cloak and dagger, but if those champions of human rights "Iran" do something, its oh, they are behaving within theyre rights, its just that us westerners dont understand them, and as for poor old Saddaam, well he was the salt of the earth wasnt he, just a bit misunderstood bless him.

As long as we dont have to live under these regimes, best just leave the people who do to suffer them.