The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100316   Message #2013250
Posted By: Snuffy
01-Apr-07 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: Folk songs for piano
Subject: RE: Folk songs for piano
In Britain piano and piano accordion were the pre-eminent accompanying instruments for Saturday night pub singalongs for many years, and I cut my eye teeth in such gatherings

Once guitars started appearing so-called "folk" music really began to diverge from the music that everyday people entertained themselves with and was passed to the new priesthood. Although much American folksong is unthinkable without guitar accompaniment, it is totally alien to much of the tradition of the British Isles

Richard thinks pianos are horrid, horrid, horrid. My opinion of guitars is not that strong - I don't hate them, I am just unable to listen to them or take them seriously. No matter how hard I try to concentrate on the words being sung, I will automatically switch off and my mind will just go "somewhere else" until it's over. It's like the adverts in the middle of a TV programme you want to watch.

Vive la difference!