The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #2013406
Posted By: Janie
01-Apr-07 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
Back to common ground. I also want to be careful that I don't allow myself to be co-oped by Mr. Exxon. I need to be very clear about the following.
1. My bottom line regarding policy or political concessions I am willing to make with respect to negotiating a limited coalition agreement around that common ground. This requires me to do a 'big picture' cost-benefit analysis BEFORE I even enter into negotiations.
2. I need to do a good inventory of my resources, and I need to have a pretty good idea of the resources available to Mr. Exxon. I want to know that I have enough leverage to avoid being co-oped if I do enter into negotiations, I want to know if I have enough power to not get pushed off of the common ground, but I also want to be sure I have an exit strategy that allows me to retreat with my assets intact from common ground if that is necessary.
3. I want to know my BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement). I want to have a good idea of the strength of my BATNA. I want some idea of Mr. Exxon's BATNA and the strength of his position.

I need to do all of this because there are definite limits to the area of common ground. I want the point of contact and the goals of negotiation to focus on what we have in common, not on our differences. I want my anger to be out on the perimeters of the common ground, patroling, on guard duty. I can always call it in if needed, but I don't want to lead with it.

I want the biggest stick I can find. then I want to walk softly with it.

It goes without saying that I don't even step onto the common ground unless I am pretty sure my stick is big enough to back me up. But I don't want my anger to be so out front that neither Mr. Exxon or myself will risk sniffing around the edges. I don't want my anger to obscure from my vision the awareness that there may be common ground out there on the playing field.

