Okay, Little Hawk, there's no queen. Canada is a stand-alone giant among the G-8 and has a rigid immigration policy, except that it lets in more than any of the other G-8 country and then most of those "immigrants to Canada" don't even put the seat down on their way to the U.S. Thank you in advance for the open-door policy that the CIA will point to after it nukes an American city.
And as far as people stealing land, unless "Latinos" are indigenous Americans, they're Spanish/Indian. So it's okay for Europeans to "take back" an area of land as long as they raped the natives hundreds of years before? I'm missing something there. But probably a quarter or more of the couples around here are Anglo/Hispanic, so the racial thing is moot. Besides, when illegals show up, we just tell them to go north because there's lots of land and room to expand in Canada.
Let's see...dogs, dogs, dogs, Firth.
Back on topic:
ROSIE O'DONNELL TOKYO ROSIE http://www.postchronicle.com/commentary/article_21272284.shtml (Gotta stir up misplaced patriotic fervor among the WW2 crowd)
'POPULAR MECHANICS' ANSWERS ROSIE O'DONNELL'S CHALLENGE TO 9/11 EXPERTS http://newsbusters.org/node/11737 (Problem is Pop Mech is a Hearst yellow journalism publication, and the "debunking" piece was written by Benjamin Chertoff, cousin of Homeland Security director Michael Chertoff. Michael Chertoff isn't even a real American, and his cousin has written the "9/11 debunking" article most often quoted. Gimme a break)
(And here's a battle of the celebrities. Wasn't Bonaduce on the Partidge Family TV show?): MSNBC's Joe Scarborough had the washed up childhood actor and former drug addict Danny Bonaduce on his show. "Personally I think at this point if anyone had a rope thick enough, I think that Rosie should be strung up for treason,".... http://uruknet.info/?p=m31794&s1=h1
That's nice. If you speak out against the govt's absurd 19-men-with-boxcutters conspiracy, you should be hanged. Bonaduce's such a pervert they could get him to say anything. No telling what kind of dirt they have on him. I guess he's going to be the lead govt spokesman on 9/11 now, huh? Sheen and O'Donnell may not be saints...unless you compare them to Bonaduce. Unfortunately, this is the kind of mud rasslin' that will make non-internet people aware of the govt crime committed on 9/11.