The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100063 Message #2014592
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Apr-07 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: RosieO'Donnell&WillieNelson on 9/11
Subject: RE: BS: Rosie O'Donnell & 9/11
"but no one has shown any logical way that the thermite could have been planted in the building and orchestrated in such a fashion."
Huh? No one has? What about the people who worked in the building who saw various work crews going in and out with heavy containers, rolls of wire, for what purpose no one knew? What about the weekend before Sept 11th, when some kind of extensive work was going on of that sort? There's all kinds of stuff about it on the Net, for heaven's sake.
All you need is a bunch of supposed "workers", clad in ordinary construction gear, to go in and place thermite and explosive charges in predetermined places and wire it up. And why would anyone suspect they were doing anything wrong whatsoever until maybe some time after the 911 attacks happened? It would just have looked like they were doing some kind of normal maintenance work. What's so hard about arranging that?
All it takes, Ron, is the decision at a high enough level to do it. The rest is a snap. No one questions an official looking maintenance crew that is going around in a building doing some kind of what appears to be routine maintenance. People take stuff like that for granted.